Under the auspices of the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia, Mr. Sandro Sordia – Member of Georgian Delegation to CORLEAP and Member of Zugdidi Municipal Council made a presentation at the conference: “Local Authorities and Civil Society Organizations”. It took place in Yerevan.
Mr. Sordia talked about the purpose and importance of the Best Practice Program. He mentioned that NALAG plays the important role in the implementation of the Best Practice Program and that the association aims to protect interests of self-governance bodies on national and international levels, supports development of local democracy and cooperates with central government in the field of decentralization
The second part of the conference was about “Strengthening the ability to interact, generate synergies, and produce concrete results at local level.” Mr. Sordia discussed the practice of Zugdidi Municipality under the Open Government Partnership Program. He also gave an example of Ozurgeti Municipality, the winner of Networking for Efficiency and Development (N4ED) Georgia best practice program contest.
As stated by Mr. Sordia: “We strongly believe that development of local democracy is possible through healthy cooperation, improving citizens’ engagement mechanisms and sharing interaction.”
The first part of the conference was about creating an open, enabling environment for citizen participation and civil society and LRAs’ actions.
On the same day was 14th meeting of the CORLEAP Eastern Partnership Bureau. During the meeting was discussed the development of local and regional authorities and future activities of CORLEAP.
National Association of Local Aurthorities of Georgia participates in conferences of CORLEAP since 2011. Executive Board of NALAG approved new Georgian delegation to CORLEAP in 2018.
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