NALAG partner organization ICMA invites you, your professional association, and all (early, middle, and senior career levels) local government professionals in Georgia to consider attending ICMA International Professional Development Symposium in London, UK July 8-9, 2022.
The event is dedicated to Local Government Professionals in a larger European Region/ME/NA and brings many US practitioners and trainers to present over 40 sessions on the ICMA 14 Fundamental Local Government Practices in Leadership and Management and the latest local government trends (Leadership Skills, Social Media impact on Communities (Mini-Certificate), Climate, Economic Development).
This Local Government Professional Development Symposium will award up to 5 Continuing Education Units (CEU) and a Mini-Certificate for attending one of the Symposium 4 educational tracks.
Please see more information on our website – registrations, program, hotels.…/icma-international-professional…