Mr. David Melua, executive director of NALAG and Ms. Natya Ghvinashvili, deputy executive director of NALAG at the invitation of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are attending International Best Practices Study tour to Estonia. All the participants, including representatives from the Parliament of Georgia, the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI) and UNDP will gain knowledge on the use of ICT for smarter governance on local level.
The visit of the Georgian delegation is hosted by e-Governance Academy on 11-15 March. On the first day of the visit representatives from eGa made presentations on the role of e-Governance Academy in international arena to build e-societies in the world, digital identity management and showcases of e-services, as well as interoperability framework and ICT coordination in public sector.
Georgian delegation had the meeting at the Ministry of Finance of Estonia. During the meeting representatives from the ministry and experts talked about Local governments in Estonia, their organization, legal and fiscal frameworks.
Delegation visited University of Tartu, where they discussed academic approach to support e-government innovations.
During the meetings it was noted that sharing Estonian experience will significantly facilitate improvement of municipal services and good governance standards in Georgia.
Throughout the visit, participants will visit the Parliament of Estonia and the State Audit Office.
This study tour is implemented under the auspices of Danish, Austrian, Swiss and Georgian governments and is held under the projects of UNDP: “Fostering Decentralization and Good Governance at the Local Level” and “Fostering Regional and Local Development in Georgia”.
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