A meeting was held between the members of the Legal Affairs Committee of the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG) and the Committee on Regional Policy and Self-Government of the Parliament of Georgia.
The purpose of this introductory meeting was to establish a format for effective cooperation in protecting the interests of municipalities. The discussion focused on key issues that will be addressed through this newly established platform, ensuring close and continuous communication between local self-governments and the legislative body.
As a result of the meeting, the main directions for future cooperation were identified. These include the submission of legislative proposals by NALAG and the exchange of important laws and legislative initiatives relevant to municipalities by the parliamentary committee.
It is worth noting that NALAG established the Legal Affairs Committee on February 19 of this year.
The Legal Issues Committee of NALAG aims to actively engage in matters related to local self-government and protect the interests of municipalities. The committee is responsible for reviewing legal acts prepared by state authorities, evaluating them, and, if necessary, submitting relevant recommendations and comments.
Additionally, the committee will work on legislative proposals and draft by-laws to support the development of self-government and advance the decentralization process.