Communication Strategy for Georgian Municipalities Project objective: Development of communication strategy for NALAG and for... more
Cooperation between NALAG and KS for development Project objective: Support activities of NALAG in Member municipalities; Provide know-how... more
HR Development in Target Municipalities Project objective: To support the active participation of NALAG and... more
Green Tourism and Historical Heritage Project objective: Aim of the project: Promoting the development of cross-border,... more
Localization of gender policy (good governance for gender equality in Georgia) Goal: strengthening the mechanisms of gender equality and gender mainstreaming in self-governments and developing and implementing effective policies on these issues at the local level. more
Networking for Efficiency and Development (N4ED) Project objective: To strengthen the networking and membership service capacity... more
Mobilization of communities in vulnerable regions Project objective: promotion of socio-economic development in the regions, especially... more
Promoting citizen participation and transparency in municipalities of Georgia Project objective: Promoting citizen participation and transparency in municipalities of... more
Monitoring the Expedentures of Rural Rehabilitation and Infrastucture Developement Programs at the Local Level in Georgia Project objective: Monitoring the Expedentures of Rural Rehabilitation and Infrastucture... more