Supporting the development of Georgia’s public sector and entrepreneurship Project name: Supporting the development of Georgia’s public sector and... more
Equipping the multi-functional space Project name: Equipping the multi-functional space Project objective: The goal... more
Improve gender equality and womenβs empowerment in Georgia mountain region of Racha with a special Focus on communities near the administrative boundary line Project name: Improve gender equality and womenβs empowerment in Georgia... more
Supporting pre-school education through the construction of a playground in Oni municipality Project name: Supporting pre-school education through the construction of a... more
Arrangement of water supply in the village of Glola Project name: Arrangement of water supply in the village of... more
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans for New Signatories of the Covenant of Mayors for Georgian Municipalities (SECAP) Project name: Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans for New... more
Purchase of a energy-efficient Bus for Oni Municipality EU4ITD: Advancing Decentralized, Effective and Inclusive Governance in Georgia Project name: Purchase of a energy-efficient Bus for Oni Municipality... more
Local Self-Government Academy “Leadership and Management in Local Self-Governments of Georgia” Project name: Local Self-Government Academy “Leadership and Management in Local... more
Support in the Preparation of the Medium-Term Development Document and Action Plan of Oni Municipality for 2024-2027 Project name: Support in the Preparation of the Medium-Term Development... more